So, you have fallen in love and now you want to get married?
RAINBOW PHILLY WEDDING CHAPEL OFFICIANTS Is here to make it as special a day as you deserve.
Located: 100 S Broad St Suite 1415, Philadelphia, PA 19110
How Much Does it Cost to Get Married in the Rainbow Wedding Chapel?
On your wedding day, besides your parking, it only costs $150 for a local ceremony. We will discuss the pricing for other venues with you.
Before you head this way though, see below about obtaining a marriage license.
We accept ALL CREDIT CARDS and CASH. Contact us at (215) 870-3103 to reserve your Wedding Day at Philly Wedding Officiants. If you prefer, scroll down and use our online request form. A representative will get back to you within two hours.
We look forward to helping make your day memorable and beautiful.
Rainbow Wedding Chapel Philly
Judi Lawrence

Diane Twyman

After the Ceremony
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the WEDDING OFFICIANT will sign the Marriage License. The Marriage License will be dated the date of the ceremony. The WEDDING OFFICIANT will mail the marriage license to the records department for recording. A self-addressed stamped envelope will be included so that the recorded marriage license is sent directly to the COUPLE. The COUPLE should make sure they receive the filed marriage license within 30 days of the ceremony.
Rainbow Wedding Chapel Philly
How Do I Get aPennsylvania Marriage License?
In Pennsylvania, the COUPLE must procure a valid Pennsylvania Marriage License. COUPLE can apply for the Pennsylvania Marriage License in Philadelphia as by arranging an appointment online at MLappt@phila.gov.
Marriage License Representatives are available for questions Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, or by calling 215-686-2233.
The Marriage License will be provided three days after your appointment to apply for the Marriage License and will remain valid for sixty (60) days.
It is the COUPLE’s responsibility to acquire a Marriage License and have the Marriage License at the Event when the services are rendered. The COUPLE agrees that failure to have a valid marriage license at the time of the Event means that the WEDDING OFFICIANT cannot legally perform the ceremony.
3. If previously married, you must bring a certified copy of your divorce decree. A widowed applicant must submit a certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased spouse.
How to Apply:
2. The fee for a Marriage License is $90.00 payable by Visa, Master Card, certified check or money order. Cash and/or personal checks are NOT accepted.
Completing the marriage license is the task that gives a wedding officiant the title “Officiant.” We are making a marriage “officially” legal. In order to be legally married and have the legal rights and privileges of marriage, you need to have a marriage license. The marriage license for a service in the Rainbow Wedding Chapel should be from any county in the State of Pennsylvania. Once you have the marriage license, it needs to be completed by a person who officially meets the requirements of Pennsylvania to do so – usually an Ordained Minister, Judge, Justice of the Peace, or similar. Obtaining a marriage license just means you are allowed to marry. By completing the marriage license, you are choosing to actually marry and enter into the legal contract. A ceremony must be performed for your marriage to be valid.